Full Professor

Pôle: Strategy and Innovation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship



  • PhD in Economics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands ,2006
  • M. Phil, CDS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 1999
  • MA, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 1994


Research interests

  • Emotion and cognition in decision making
  • Technology and innovation strategy
  • Sustainability and governance
  • Institutions and international business


Work Experience


  • Full Professor, Rennes School of Business (September 2023 – Present)
  • Full Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management (September 2020 – August 2023)
  • Associate Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management (January 2014 – August 2020)
  • Research Fellow, UNU-MERIT (August 2008 – December 2013)
  • Assistant Professor, College of St. Scholastica (August 2007 – June 2008)



Service to the Institution

  • Team lead and scientific advisor, Strategy, Innovation & Society (SIS) research group, Grenoble Ecole de Management (September 2021 – August 2023)
  • Co-ordinator of PhD program GPAC2, UNU-MERIT (August 2008 – December 2013)

Service to Profession

  • Member of the editorial board of « Business Strategy & the Environment »


Intellectual Contributions

Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Oruganti, V., Bodas Freitas, I. M., & Jacob, J. (2024). R&D investment and innovation performance under vertical partner concentration. Industry and Innovation, 1–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2024.2340627
  • Fuchs, M. D., Jacob, J., & Kiesel, F. (2024). Where the money is: branch network structure and bank profitability in Switzerland. The European Journal of Finance, 30(15), pp 1785–1816
  • Jacob, J., Belderbos, R., Lorkshin, B., 2023, « Entangled modes: Boundaries to effective international knowledge sourcing through technology alliances and technology-based acquisitions », Technovation, 122, 102661
  • Freitas, I.M.B, Jacob, J., Wang, L., Li, Z., 2023, « Energy use and exporting: an analysis of Chinese firms », Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 33(1), 179-207
  • Jacob, J., Mei, M.Q., Gunawan, T., Duysters, G., 2022, « Ambidexterity and innovation in cluster SMEs: Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing », Industry and Innovation, 29(8), 948-968
  • Belderbos, R., Lokshin, B., Boone C., Jacob, J., 2022, « Top management team international diversity and the performance of international R&D », Global Strategy Journal, 12, 1 : 108-133
  • Belderbos, R., Grabowska, M., Kelchtermans, S., Lelen, B., Jacob, J., Riccarboni, M., 2021, « Whither geographic proximity? Bypassing local R&D units in foreign university collaboration », Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 7 : 1302-1330 (ABS 4)
  • Wang, L., Jacob, J., Li, Z., 2019, « Exploring the spatial dimensions of nanotechnology development in China: The effects of funding and spillovers », Regional Studies, 53(2), 245-260
  • Belderbos, R., Jacob, J., Lokshin, B., 2018, « Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) investments and technological performance: Geographic diversity and the interplay with technology alliances », Journal of Business Venturing, 33, 1 : 20-34
  • Horbach, J., Jacob, J., 2018, « The relevance of personal characteristics and gender diversity for (eco) – innovation activities at the firm-level – Results from a linked employer-employee database in Germany », Business Strategy and the Environment, 27, 7 : 924-934
  • Jacob, J., Duysters, G., 2017, « Alliance network configurations and the co-evolution of firms’ technology profiles: An analysis of the biopharmaceutical industry », Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 120, 90-102
  • Gunawan, T., Jacob, J., Duysters G., 2016, « Network ties and entrepreneurial orientation: Innovation performance of SMEs in a developing country », The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12, 2 : 575-599
  • Duysters, G., Cloodt, M., Schoonmakers, W., Jacob, J., 2015 « Internationalization efforts of Chinese and Indian companies: An empirical perspective », Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 106, 2 : 169-186
  • Huang, C., Jacob, J., 2014, « Determinants of quadic patenting: Market access, imitative threat, competition and strength of intellectual property rights », Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 85 : 4-16
  • Jacob, J., Belderos, R., Glising, V., 2013, « Technology alliances in emerging economies: persistence and interrelation in European firms’ alliance formation », R & D Management, 43, 5 : 447-460
  • Jacob, J., 2013, « PATSTAT database for patent-based research », Innovation and Development, 3, 2 : 313-315
  • Duysters, G., Jacob, J., Lemmens, C. & Jintian, Y., 2009, « Internationalization and technological catching up pof emerging multinationals: a comparative case study of China’s Haier group », Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 18, Number 2, 325-349
  • Jacob, J., Szirmai, A., 2007, « International knowledge spillovers to developing countries: the case of Indonesia », Review of Development Economics, 11(3), 550-565
  • Jacob, J., 2005, « Late industrialization and structural change: Indonesia, 1975-2000 », Oxford Development Studies, Vol 33, No. 3 & 4, 427-451
  • Jacob, J., Meister, C., 2005, « Productivity gains, technology spillovers, and trade: Indonesian manufacturing, 1980-1996 », Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Vol 41, No. 1, 37-56


Presentations of Refereed Papers


  • Jojo Jacob, Maggie Mei, Arusyak Zakaryan. Inventor gender and termination of patented inventions in biopharmaceutical firms. DRUID, Nice, France, 15-19 June 2024
  • Doblinger C., Jacob J., Kurowski S., 2019. Liberal, Conservative or Indifferent ? The Relevance of Political Ideology for Startup Financing, SMS Annual Conference in Minneapolis, SMS Strategic Management Society, USA
  • Jacob J., Mei M.-Q., 2019. A Status Perspective on Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Autonomy, Academy of Management, Academy of Management Conference, USA
  • Jacob J., Petti C., 2019. R&D Investments during an Economic Crisis: Social and Transactional shades of State Influence, EURAM – European Academy of Management conference, EURAM, Portugal
  • Bodas-Freitas I.-M., Jacob J., Wang L., Li Z., 2017. R&D offshoring and its effects on the innovation performance of Chinese firms, Globelics, LIEE-NTUA, Athens, Greece
  • Jacob J., Mei M.-Q., 2017, Founder unbound: status, power, and entrepreneurial automony, DRUID conference, DRUID Society, New York, USA
  • Horbatch J., Jacob J., 2017. The relevance of personal characteristics and gender diversity for (eco) – innovation activities, DRUID 2017, DRUID Society New York, USA
  • Mei M., Jacob J., 2016. Crying out loud: Multiple signals and their interplays, 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA



  • Jacob, J., Los, B. 2007, Absorptive Capacity and Foreign Spillovers: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, in: K. Frenken (ed.), Applied Evolutionary Economics and Economic Geography, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK
  • Jacob, J., Soete, L. 2009. Emerging knowledge economies, in Costa, I. Dolfsma, W and Duysters, G. (eds) « Multinationals and emerging economies: The quest for innovation and sustainability » (Intermezzo) Edward Elgar.