- Logistics & Supply Chain Management
- Operation Management
- Ph.D. in Operations Management, Open University, UKHigher Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Higher Diploma in Secondary Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- M.B.A. Finance, Wagner College, New York, USA
- B.Sc Economics, City University of New York, New York, USA
- A.A.S Industrial Management, City University of New York, New York USA
- Ph.D. Open University and Rennes School of Business, 2010
- Ph.D. The Open University UK
Professional Development Professional Seminars / Workshops
- 2012: Open University Training Seminar – « How to Effectively Supervise PhD Students », Rennes, France.
- 2006: European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Workshop, Rennes, France.
Professionnal certifications
- Refrigerating System Operating Engineer’s License, 1992 to Present
- High Pressure Boiler Operating Engineer’s License, 1991 to Present
Professionnal membership
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2011
Academic Conference: Discussant
- 2009
The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 23-25
Academic Conference: Moderator / Facilitator
- 2015
ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management, June 25-26, Paris, France.
- 2014
The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
- 2013
21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Rennes, France.
- 2011
The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA, November 3-5, 2011.
- 2011
Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Conference Montréal, Canada
Reviewer: Conference Paper
- 2014
19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
- 2013
21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Rennes, France.
McNamara, T. (2013) Anonymous Paper Referee for the 21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM) - 2011
Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Conference Montréal, Canada.
- 2009
10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference (IDSI), Nancy, France,.
Reviewer - Article / Manuscript
- 2014
Journal of Enterprise Information Management – Special issue: IT System Innovation Out of Crisis: Lessons from Supply Chain Failures, Natural Disasters.
Research Interest
Trends and issues in Strategic Management and Operations Management
Investigating the performance of production lines through simulation
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Supply Chain Management & Information Systems Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (2010 – Present)
- Senior Corporate Buyer, A Fortune 500 Energy Company (July, 1985 – April, 2001)
Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship
- McNamara , Tom; Meloso, Debrah; Michelotti, Marco; Puncheva-Michelotti, Petya, 2022, You are free to choose…are you? Organisational punishment as a productivity incentive in the social science literature, Human Relations, Vol. 75(2) 322–348
- Michelotti, M., McColl, R., Puncheva,P., Clarke, R., McNamara, T. (2024) The effects of medium and sequence on personality trait assessments in face-to-face and videoconference selection interviews: Implications for HR analytics. Human Resource Management Journal, Volume 34, Issue 2, April 2024, pp.292-310
- McNamara, T., Shaaban, S., Sbihi, A. and Laarraf, Z., 2021, The Operating Behaviour of Unbalanced, Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines, RAIRO – Operations Research, Vol 55, N° 1, pp 99-113
- Zou, Z, Farnoosh, A, McNamara, T., 2021, Risk analysis in the management of a green supply chain, Strategic Change. 2021; 30: 5– 17
- Cragg, T., McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Guerin, F., 2020, Manufacturing SMEs, network governance and global supply chains, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 130-147
- Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Cragg, T., 2018, Recycling waste and upcycling people: a new type of environmentally-motivated social enterprise strategy, Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2018, pp. 270-296
- Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Claasen, C., 2018, E-marketing communications of trophy hunting providers in Namibia: evidence of ethics and fairness in an apparently unethical and unfair industry?, Current Issues in Tourism, Volume 21, 2018 – Issue 12, pp. 1349-1354
- Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Bryson, D, 2018, Lesbians’ assessments of gay advertising in France: not necessarily a case of ‘La Vie en Rose?’, Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 34, Issue 7-8 (2018), pp. 639-665
- Cragg, T., McNamara, T., 2018, An ICT-based framework to improve global supply chain integration for final assembly SMES, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 31 No. 5, 2018, pp. 634-657
- Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V., 2017, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50, issue 1, pp. 1093-1100
- Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V, 2017, Asymmetrical buffer allocation in unpaced merging assembly lines, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 109 (2017), pp. 211-220
- McNamara, T., Shaaban, S., Hudson, S., 2016, Fifty years of the bowl phenomenon, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 41, (2016), pp. 1 – 7
- Descubes, I., & McNamara, T., 2015, Theatre-based learning to foster corporate legacy change, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 28, N° 4, 2015, pp. 565-578
- Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., & Hudson, S., 2015, The impact of failure, repair and joint imbalance of processing team means & buffer sizes on the performance of unpaced production lines, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 289, Nos. 5/6, pp. 347-365
- Hudson, S., Shaaben, S. & McNamara, T., 2015, The performance of unpaced production lines with unbalanced mean operation times and unreliability patterns, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 37, N° 1 (2015), pp. 164-172
- Hudson, S., McNamara, T. & Shaaban, S, 2015, Unbalanced Lines – where are we now?, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, N° 6, pp. 1895-1911
- Cragg, Tony and Tom McNamara, 2015, An ICT-based framework to improve global supply chain integration for final assembly SMES, Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Hudson, Sarah, Sabry Shaaban, and Tom McNamara, 2015, The Performance of Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Mean Operation Times and Unreliability Patterns, Journal of Manufacturing Systems
- Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, The impact of failure, repair and joint imbalance of processing time means & buffer sizes on the performance of unpaced production lines, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, Theatre-Based Learning to Foster Corporate Legacy Change, Journal of Organizational Change Management
- Hudson, Sarah, Tom McNamara, and Sabry Shaaban, 2015, Unbalanced Lines – Where Are We Now?, International Journal of Production Research
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Mean Time Imbalance Effects on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, Journal of Manufacturing Systems
- McNamara, Tom, Sarah Hudson, and Sabry Shaaban, 2014, The Effect of Mean-Time and Variability Imbalance in Unreliable Lines, Journal européen des systèmes automatisés
- McNamara, Tom, S. Shaaban, and S. Hudson, 2013, Simulation of Unbalanced Buffer Allocation in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines, International Journal of Production Research 51
- Shaaban, S, T. McNamara, and S. Hudson, 2013, The Effects of Unbalancing Operation Time Variability on the Performance of Unreliable Lines, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 24
- McNamara, Tom, Sabry Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, 2011, Unpaced Production Lines with Three Simultaneous Imbalance Sources, Industrial Management & Data Systems 111.
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Effects of Joint Operations Time Means and Variability Unbalance on Production Line Performance, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 18
- Shaaban, Sabry and T. McNamara, 2009, Improving the efficiency of unpaced production lines by unbalancing service time means, International Journal of Operational Research
Refereed Articles Contribution to Practice
- McNamara, T., Cragg, T., 2016, From Physical Flows to Information Flows: An Evolving Concept of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, 01/02/2016
- Dufeu, I., Duchaine, S., McNamara, T., Morvan, C., 2016, L’agriculture biologique contribue-t-elle au bien-être ?, Revue Éthique et Économique, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 39-57
- McNamara, T., 2016, A Survey of the Literature on Assembly Line Balancing as it Relates to the Apparel Industry, International Journal of Lean Thinking, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 67-79.
- McNamara, Tom and S. Shaaban, 2007, Getting the Most Out of Your Unpaced Production Line, Assembly Magazine
- McNamara, Tom and S. Shaaban, 2007, Improving the Performance of Your Unpaced Production Line, Manufactures Monthly
Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, Comportement Entrepreneurial Responsable: Cas de la Feuille d’Erable, 9e Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Entrepreuriat Responsable: Pratiques et Enjeux Théoriques
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, The Consumer Engagement Process As It Relates To A Brand’s Revival Strategy, 9th International Days of Statistics and Economics at VŠE, Prague, Czech Republic
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
- Descubes, Irena and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Eco-citizen Social Enterprise Governance by Emotional Management: The Case of Feuille d’Erable, International Days of Statistics and Economics at VSE.Prague,CZ
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom Mcnamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unbalanced Mean-time and Buffer Effects in Lines Suffering Breakdown, The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing,
- McNamara, Tom, 2013, Improving the performance of manual production lines through deliberate imbalance: The sweet spot, 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2013, Art-based Learning: Catalyst for Change in Corporate Culture, 7th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech
- Shaaban, Sabry, Sarah Hudson, and Tom McNamara, 2012, Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Operation Time Means – A Comparison, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2012, Performance of Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Uneven Buffer Allocation, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Design of Reliable Unpaced Production Lines with Single and Double Imbalance Sources, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA)
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Impact of Unbalanced Processing Time Means on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Allocation of Buffer Capacities in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines Using Simulation, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA
- Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Behaviour of Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean processing Times, Variability, or Buffer Capacities, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, Unpaced Serial Production Lines with Two Simultaneous Sources of Imbalance – Their Operating Characteristics, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
- McNamara, Tom and Sabry Shaaban, 2009, The Operational Performance of Serial Unpaced Production Lines with Simultaneous Mean Processing Time, Variability and Buffer Imbalances, 10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Performance of Unpaced Lines with Unequal Buffer Sizes. », The Economic & International Business Research Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unreliable Flow Lines with Jointly Unequal Operation Time Means, Variabilities and Buffer Sizes, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean Operation Times and Uneven Buffer Capacities: Their Performance, Seventeenth Annual International Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Balanced Reliable and Unreliable Manual Production Lines: Their Behaviour and Efficiency, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference
Learning & Pedagogical Scholarship
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
- Marsillac, Erika, Don Minday, and Tom McNamara, 2007, Can you please stop talking while I teach? Anglo-Saxon teaching expectations in a French business education environment, AIB Midwest Conference
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Case
- Descubes, Irena, Mc Namara, Tom (2024). ‘Terres de Sources’: Promoting and Implementing Sustainable Water Solutions in the Brittany Region of France. The Case Center no. 724-0069-1
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: Coca-Cola – Can an iconic American brand adapt itself to the Indian market ?, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: SodaStream – Using Environmental Awareness To Reach Generation X, Y and Z’, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: Starbucks – Brewing Great Customer Experiences Through Outstanding Digital Marketing, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
- Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, Will your future favorite bartender be a robot?, Long Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, The Metaverse and NFTs: is the future of luxury in virtual worlds?, Mini Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, A Match Made in Heaven: Manchester City FC and Tinder Join Forces, Mini Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Bryson, D., Descubes, I. and McNamara, T., 2022, Succeeding in Contemporary China: What happended to Samsung?, Long Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Bryson, D., Descubes, I. and McNamara, T., 2022, Engaging Chinese Customers at JD.com, Mini Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, HDFC Bank India: Building a “Customercentric” Culture to Maintain Relationships, Long Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Cragg, Tony and Tom McNamara, November 2021, Chapter, Kogan Page Publishers, 1st edition, 384 pages, ISBN 978-1789668216
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2020, EcoTree: Trying to Save the World by Planting One Small Forest at a Time, The Case Center. Reference no. 720-0068-1, 17 December 2020
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Claasen , C., 2019, Case Study 5: Private Prisons in the United States: a case of profit at any cost?, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 52-60 ISBN 9781554813742
- Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2019, Case Study 8: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 81-88 ISBN 9781554813742
- Claasen, C., McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 9: Dakota Access Pipeline, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 89-96 ISBN 9781554813742
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 26: Citibank and Collateralized Debt Obligations, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 226-233 ISBN 9781554813742
- Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Claasen , C., 2019Case Study 27: Misplaced Incentives: Large-Scale Fraud at Wells Fargo, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 234-242 ISBN 9781554813742
- McNamara, T., Claasen , C., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 31: Democracy in Business: The Mondragon Workers Cooperative, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 262-269 ISBN 9781554813742
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Chapter 2, 2019, Case Study 4: Reaching sinks, dinks and Millennials Worldwide, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 9 Case study 17: Nordstrom: Using Service Excellence To Provide A Better Customer Experience, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 10 Case study 19: Starbucks Managing customer relationships one cup at a time, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 14, Case Study 27: Volvo: Buying a car by simply using an app, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 19, Case Study 38: Coca Cola in India: an unstoppable powerhouse or a stumbling giant?, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 9 Case 9 Omni-Channel Marketing at Danske Bank: Using Technology to Provide Great Customer Service, Fahy, J. and Jobber, D. Foundations of Marketing, 6th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa. 2019. ISBN 978-1526847348
- Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2016, Case Study 43: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager and Anand Vaidya (dir.), Business in Ethical Focus: An Anthology, 2nd Ed. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd 2016, 750 p. ISBN 978-1554812516
- Descubes, I., McNamara, T., 2016, Case Study 19: Citibank and Collateralized Debt Obligations, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager and Anand Vaidya (dir.), Business in Ethical Focus: An Anthology, 2nd Ed. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd 2016, 750 p. ISBN 978-1554812516
- Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2016, Descubes, I., Namdeb: Debeers’ joint venture with the Namibian Government, The Case center, 716-0049-1
- McNamara, T., Claasen, C., Descubes, I., 2016, Trophy hunting in Namibia: controversial but sustainable? A case study of ‘Hunters Namibia Safaris’, The Case center, 716-0053-1
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2016, Can IKEA adapt its service experience to India?, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 6, N°1, May 2016
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2015, Chapter 19 Case Study: Maybach – The rise, fall, and (possible) rise again of a luxury icon, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: IKEA and Service – Will people in India be happy assembling their own furniture?, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 21 Case Study: Volvo and Global Marketing Strategy – Fundamentally changing the way cars are marketed and sold, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 16 Case Study: Starbucks and Social Media – It’s more than just about the coffee, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed.
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 3 Case Study: The Mercurial Behaviour of Millennials, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 2 Case Study: SodaStream – Adapting itself to a changing market, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 16 Case Study: « Digital Marketing: Gucci – Making Luxury Go Digital, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: « Nordstrom – A shining example of service excellence, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 15 Case Study: « JCPenney and Direct Marketing: Using something old to improve something new?, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed.
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: Chapter 11 Case Study, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 7 Case Study: IKEA – A unique service experience, Foundations of Marketing – Global Edition, 5th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 4 Case Study: H&M and Social Media – An effective market research too, Foundations of Marketing – Global Edition, 5th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Can IKEA adapt its service experience to India?, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
- McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2014, Chapter 11 – Reducing Pollution Through Green Logistics, Sustutainability in Supply Chain Management CaseBook
- McNamara, Tom and Helena Gonzalez, 2014, Chapter 13 – Strategy Spotlight 13.3: LinkedIn and process reengineering: Better performance than Google or Facebook, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.7: Employee empowerment at GE, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2014, Chapter 10 – Issues for Debate: Supercell has the world’s weakest CEO, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 2 – Learning From Mistakes, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 12 – Issues for Debate: Citizen-riders speak up and crowsource the Pibal, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw
- Gonzalez, Helena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 9 – Issues for Debate: Better Corporate Governance: If CEOs can’t do it, shareholders will, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- Cragg, Tony and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 2 Closing Case: France’s troubled economy, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Agata Mirowska, 2014, Chapter 10 – Opening Case: Are world currency markets being manipulated? Something fishy with foreign exchange, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw Hill Publishers
- Cragg, Tony and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 15 Opening Case: Sulky Burel in Russia, Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw – Hill Publishers
- McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 12 Opening Case: Restrictions on capital flows are growing. But are all capital flows alike?, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed.
- Mirowska, Agata and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 10 Management Focus: Wal-Mart Loses $680 million due to Failure to Hedge Against the Dollar, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed.
- McNamara, Tom and Agata Mirowska, 2014, Chapter 9 – Management Focus: EU takes aim at Google over anti-trust accusations, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Caroline Michel, 2014, Chapter 2 – Management Focus: JP Morgan Chase is under investigation for possible wrong doing, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
- McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore, 2014, Chapter 14 Opening Case: Reorganization at EADS, Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- Mirowska, Agata and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 10 Country Focus: Abenomics and Japan. Can Prime Minister Abe’s policies prevent a third ‘lost’ decade?, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
- Michel, Caroline and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 6 – Closing Case: Morocco’s Growing Aviation Industry, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
- Marsillac, Erika and Tom McNamara, 2013, Case 19: Airbus’ Overstretched Supply Chain – Just How Far Can You Go before Your Supply Chain Snaps?, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
- Marsillac, Erika and Tom McNamara, 2013, Case 21: The End of Lean? – Automotive Manufacturers are Rethinking Some Supply Chain Basics, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
- McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2013, Case 20: How to Keep Your Food Supply Chain Fresh, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
- McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2013, Case 18: Make to Demand with 3-D Printing -The Next Big Thing in Inventory Management?, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM.
- Moore – Mangin, A. & McNamara, T, 2013, Chapter 9 – Strategy Spotlight 9.4: Radical activism and Nestlé: How the company is being forced to re-think its strategy and policies, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- Claasen, C. & McNamara, T, 2013, Chapter 5 – Learning from Mistakes: ‘The story of how Showrooming’ almost destroyed ‘Best Buy’ and what they did to fight back, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- Descubes, I. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 8 – Issues for Debate: Rebranding the city of Košice: From industrial eye sore to hotbed of creativity?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2013, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.8: The fracking industry: Is it really clean energy?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2013, Chapter 2 – Strategy Spotlight 2.3: The Future of Energy: Scenario planning at Shell, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E., 2013Chapter 1 – Strategy Spotlight 1.6: Back to (manufacturing) basics for General Electric, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers
- McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E., 2013, Chapter 1 – Learning from Mistakes: Microsoft hits another bump in the road, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, T. & Gonzalez, H, 2013, Chapter 6 – Issues for Debate: Is Microsoft finally becoming a vertically integrated Company?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.9: « The IKEA way or the IWAY, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I., 2013, Chapter 11 – Issues for Debate: Ethically made clothing. You wear it but how do you really know it’s been made ethically, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 3 – Learning from Mistakes – Mercedes Benz and the failure of the Maybach: A question of too much luxury or not enough?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
- McNamara, T. & Claasen, C, 2013, Chapter 8 – Strategy Spotlight 8.5: « From 0 to $10 Billion. Young Chinese tech upstart « Xiaomi » has its eyes on Apple, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers
- Descubes, I. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 10 – Strategy Spotlight 10.5: National Geographic: Saving the planet is its strategy, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Learning from Mistakes – GlaxoSmithKline’s problems in China: Not what the doctor ordered, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGra.
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Learning from Mistakes – GlaxoSmithKline’s problems in China: Not what the doctor ordered, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed.,
- Gonzales, H. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 5 – Strategy Spotlight 5.4: How Apple uses its ‘ecosystem’ to give Mac an advantage over Windows, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- Gonzalez, H. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 9 – Issues for Debate: Better Corporate Governance: If CEOs can’t do it, shareholders will!, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
- McNamara, T. & Truong, Y, 2012, Chapter 5 – A Very Unconventional Energy Source, International Business – International Edition, by Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
- Truong, Y. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 5: « Corruption and Class Conflict in China, International Business – International Edition – Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
- Truong, Y. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 5: Mainstreaming Microcredit via the Internet, International Business – International Edition – by Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
- McNamara, T., Marsillac, E., & Dufeu, I., 2012, Chapter 5: The Emerald Isle Is Getting Greener, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraww-Hill.
- McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2012, Chapter 17: So you want to be an Expat?, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
- Duchaine, S., Dufeu, I., & McNamara, T, 2012, Danone: A Glocal Firm, International Business – International Edition
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 8: The Swiss National Bank: Not running like clockwork, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 8: Islamic Banking: Say hello to your friendly neighbourhood religious banker, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed
- Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 13: Budweiser: Would a Bud by any other name still taste just as sweet?, International Business – International Edition, by Ball 13th ed
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 13: Walmart’s joint venture in India: A marriage of love or convenience, International Business – International Edition
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 2: Exercising Strategy – Attention shoppers: Nervous breakdown in progress on aisle, Human Resources Management – International Edition
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 4: Evidence Based HR – Don’t feel like going to work today? Not a problem. Human Resources Management, International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 5: Exercising Strategy – Do you need a compliant labour force willing to work 7 days a week for pennies a day? Call us, Human Resources Management – International Edition
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 11: Managing People – Porsche: Where high performance meets low cost labour, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
- McNamara, T., Duchaine, S., & Dufeu, I, 2012, Chapter 1: Exercising Strategy – Danone: The power of people, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
- McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 11: Pay Structure Decisions – Oil, diamonds and … computers? The emergence of a new cartel, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
- Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 12: Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay – Carrots and sticks aren’t cutting it anymore!, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed.
- Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, The Analysis and Design of Work – Daily stand-up meetings: an agile management tool, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
- Asha, M. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 2: Strategic HRM: Control Vs Commitment, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
Presentations of Refereed Papers International
- McNamara, Tom , Debrah Meloso, Marco Michelotti, and Petya Puncheva, 2019, An Investigation into the Status of the Relationship between Organizational Punishment and Productivity, The Social Science Literature. » (in press) The British Academy of Management BAM2019 Conference, Aston University, United Kingdom, 3-5 September, 2019
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2018, Citizen Social Entrepreneurship and Gen Y: A Hybrid Business Model. A Case Study of « MakeSense.org, 12th international days of statistics and economics , Prague, Czech Republic, September 2018
- Gregory, Mark and Tom McNamara, 2017, A New Application of the Internal Model Control Principle, OR Society OR59 Annual Conference 2017, Loughborough, United Kingdom, September 2017
- Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and V. Dmitriev., 2017, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), Toulouse, France, July 2017
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2016, SMEs versus listed companies: on equal footing when confronted with M&As organizational culture integration challenge?, 10th international days of statistics and economics, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2016
- Dmitriev, Viatcheslav , S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, and E. Marsillac, 2016, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, 19th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France, August 2016
- Claasen, Cyrlene , Irena Descubes, and Tom Mcnamara, 2016, Ethical Discourse in a contentious industry: trophy hunting in Namibia, EGOS , Naples, Italy, July 2016
- S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, S. Hudson., 2016, The Operating Behaviour of Unbalanced Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines, ICORFE 2016, International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France, June 2016
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2015, The consumer engagement process as it relates to a brand’s revival strategy, 9th International days of statistics and economics, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2015
- Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2015, Comportement Entrepreneurial Responsable : Cas de la Feuille d’Erable, 9e Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Entrepreuriat Responsable: Pratiques et Enjeux Théoriques, Nantes, France, May 2015
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom Mcnamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unbalanced Mean-time and Buffer Effects in Lines Suffering Breakdown, The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
- McNamara, Tom, 2013, Improving the performance of manual production lines through deliberate imbalance: The sweet spot, 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Allocation of Buffer Capacities in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines Using Simulation, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Design of Reliable Unpaced Production Lines with Single and Double Imbalance Sources, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Impact of Unbalanced Processing Time Means on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Behaviour of Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean processing Times, Variability, or Buffer Capacities, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada
- Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, Unpaced Serial Production Lines with Two Simultaneous Sources of Imbalance – Their Operating Characteristics, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
- McNamara, Tom and Sabry Shaaban, 2009, The Operational Performance of Serial Unpaced Production Lines with Simultaneous Mean Processing Time, Variability and Buffer Imbalances, 10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Performance of Unpaced Lines with Unequal Buffer Sizes, The Economic & International Business Research Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines, The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unreliable Flow Lines with Jointly Unequal Operation Time Means, Variabilities and Buffer Sizes, The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Balanced Reliable and Unreliable Manual Production Lines: Their Behaviour and Efficiency, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference
- Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean Operation Times and Uneven Buffer Capacities: Their Performance, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference
Presentations of Non-Refereed Papers – International
- McNamara, Tom, 2005, An Investigation into the Operating Characteristics of Unbalanced Manual Serial Production Lines. Network of International Business Schools, 10th International Conference / Doctoral Colloquium, the Rennes Sc, Rennes, France.
Presentations of Non-Refereed Papers – Regional
- McNamara, Tom, 2012, The United States, Globalization and the Current Financial Crisis, Socio-Cultural Conference on « The Challenges of Globalization », November 12 to 17, 2012 held at Lycée La Touche, Ploërmel, France, Ploërmel, France